Refund & Returns Policy

This policy is offered in addition to your statutory rights.

Our refund and returns policy lasts 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, items must be in their original/fully resalable condition, including the original packaging.

Return by post

You can return your items within 30 days of receiving your order for a full refund to the original payment method used, however, you will be responsible for the postage and any associated cost and risk for returning the goods. You must ensure the products are received by us within 30 days of receiving your order, otherwise your refund may be refused.

If you return your purchase by post after the time period outlined above (except for faulty or damaged goods), we reserve the right not to offer you a refund in full. In these circumstances we may instead return your purchase to you and prior to sending it, you will be charged the delivery fee applicable to the products and your location.

A refund will be credited to your original payment method within 30 calendar days of us receiving the returned goods. Please note some banks may take longer to credit your account. We are not liable and cannot take any responsibility for any bank charges that you may incur during the refund process.

We recommend that you return the items via a recorded delivery service and retain the proof of postage.

Right to cancel

UK and EU customers have the right to cancel orders under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (the “Consumer Contract Regulations 2013”).

If you wish to cancel pursuant to the rights set out in the Consumer Contract Regulations 2013.

How to return your item(s)

When you purchase an order online, you have a statutory right to cancel your order and notify us at any time up to 30 calendar days from the day you receive the goods, without any reason.

After notifying us of your intent to cancel you have a further 30 calendar days to return the item(s) to us, , for a full refund or for replacement product.

By Post

Step 1 – Contact us by email at [email protected] and inform us of your intent to return the item.

Step 2 – We will email you a £3.95 return label to print.

Step 3 – Post your parcel back and email us, Once the item is received by our warehouse team, we will process your refund or replacement item(s).